Saturday, November 13, 2010

Finding our groove, without feeling stuck in a rut.

Fall farm work is done, school is just chugging along, and it feels like we are now mostly settled into our little tin box house. It is nice to finally have a somewhat regular routine. How is it already the middle of November? 

We are still keeping a full schedule in the end of October and the start of November. Our Halloween party was a blast. We have some hilarious pictures from pumpkin bowling and the photo booth we set up. Here are a couple of our favorites from the party. 

Dusty and Tim just got done with fall work recently. Dusty kept thinking and telling me they were almost done then they would think of another project that should be done before the weather turns. I am sure that the guys have been busier than they like for this late into fall. I know dusty said many of the projects they have done lately are things that haven’t been done in several year because Tim needed help and Dusty was away a college. It is so wonderful to know that things with the farm will slow down a little bit. It feels like they have been going a million miles an hour since we got back to Spokane in June.

Last weekend was Tim’s hayride, potluck, and bonfire. He had an amazing turnout with about 80 people joining us for some or all of the evening. I was especially glad that the rain held off this year even though they were forecasting we might get a sprinkle here and there. (Last year it poured on us; people were soaked to the bone!) Everyone seemed to have a fun time and we only ended up with a few dishes to return to their owners so in all it was a great evening.

We also started a new church recently. Well, more like the same church in a new location, since it is a branch of the same church we went to in Pullman. We are really enjoying having it back in our routine and our new small group is great too.

This week I finished all my grades for report cards. I am very thankful to have that off my plate. Now there is just under a week before conferences to get the student portfolios ready; that is plenty of time for a procrastinator.

Next to do on our list is to figure out what we are doing for holidays. It feels like we just got done with our Halloween party, but I know Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are just around the corner… To party or not to party?

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