Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lake Love!

We love the lake, and words cannot describe how much we love having a place to go and make these fun memories. Since I took more than enough pictures for them to tell the story, I will let you see our family of three having a great weekend at the cabin with Grammi Kim and Captain Steve!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Not Jayney's 1st Rodeo

No it is more like her third or so...and this girl loves a rodeo!
Jayney DID NOT want the camera to block her view of the "'orsey" or the "moos"

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fun on the Fourth.. and Neighboring Days

This year Dusty had lots of work with haying and I was so busy with garden stuff so we stayed close to home (read: we were not at the lake or camping) but we still managed to have fun with several BBQ's, playdates at the park and watching fireworks downtown with friends. And we can't forget to mention that Jayney looked SUPER CUTE in all her red, white and blues so that helped make the holiday even better!