When we got into town
we visited with Chris and Carla at their house. Dusty and I were excited to see
them but Jayney was very unhappy. She had a splotchy rash that popped on the
drive there that spread all over her chest and legs. I am nearly positive it
was a reaction to the lotion I used right before we left home. Jayney was ok
when we got there but when we were handing her around, I think it must have
irritated her skin and she just cried and cried. Needless to say we didnt take many cute pictures while JJ was freaking out. Carla had plans but we were
able to go out to dinner with Chris. After her fit JJ was worn out and just
slept. Then we went to CJ and Libby’s house and stayed Friday night
with them.
Saturday after a great breakfast we left and went out to Prosser to Grant and Andrea’s. Dusty helped the Grant work on trenching a new sprinkler system while Andrea and I had some girl time getting our nails done and Starbucks treats. We got to play a great game with Andrea's brother Robert and his girlfriend Carly. We had a nice peaceful morning talking with Grant and Andrea while watching their son Noah creep around Jayney curiously. Before we left we had to squeeze it a visit with the puppies. Andrea's dad raises labs; he is where we got our wonderful Moosey. I could have taken all of those little furballs home with me!
Saturday after a great breakfast we left and went out to Prosser to Grant and Andrea’s. Dusty helped the Grant work on trenching a new sprinkler system while Andrea and I had some girl time getting our nails done and Starbucks treats. We got to play a great game with Andrea's brother Robert and his girlfriend Carly. We had a nice peaceful morning talking with Grant and Andrea while watching their son Noah creep around Jayney curiously. Before we left we had to squeeze it a visit with the puppies. Andrea's dad raises labs; he is where we got our wonderful Moosey. I could have taken all of those little furballs home with me!
Sunday evening we got to see CJ and Libby for a little bit longer when we had dinner with them before we left town. Jayney "talked" to us at the start of dinner and then slept through all of our eating and visiting.
Jayney did great on her first weekend trip out of town too! She
traveled awesome in the truck and usually slept the time we were on the
road. I was glad she slept well in her pack and play crib at night too. Except for
when her rash was bothering her when we first got to Chris and Carla’s house, and once at Gran and Andrea's when she was stuffed up
and didn’t want to take a bottle Jayney hardly got upset at all, which was a
huge relief since she was taken out of her normal routine. I hoped being in a
new place wouldn’t throw her off schedule too much and was so thankful she
seemed to do well with lots of transitions and meeting new faces.
We can't wait for you to come back when we can have more time with you guys and Jayney in our new air-conditioned place. :)