Monday, September 23, 2013

Tri #2 with my #1

         Okay so I did one sprint tri, why not another? ...Well all summer I have been hearing from my #1 guy, Dusty that if it wasn't for the swimming (and the fact that the last race I did was all women) he would totally be up for doing a triathlon with me. I wanted to believe him. He had been biking and running with me as often as he could. So when I heard that Valleyfest was going to have a BOAT bike run tri, I was SUPER excited to cash in on the words I had been hearing all summer. Dusty took the challenge willingly, even when he found out it was on his birthday weekend. Maybe I should say he took the challenge and ran with it, literally! We also had our great friends along for the challenge, Craig and Michelle. They are avid Kayakers so it was easy to talk them into it.  It wasn't until about a week before the race that I realized something. I had NO idea how to kayak... oops. Maybe I should have thought that through before I talked everyone into doing this with me. Oh well, fake it till ya' make it!
      When race day came everyone did awesome! It was so fun for me to have my special people in the race to chase all day. The race course was awesome because it turned back and looped on itself a few times so we could be encouraged by seeing each other in the race! Dusty finished 8th and I... well I finished not last ;) It was so great to get to do another tri and have buddies this time. We are all looking forward to next tri season!
Also a big thanks to Michelle's family for helping on race day, getting these fun pictures for us all and Michelle for letting me snag them. Oh, and Grandpa Tim for hanging out with JJ at home :)

*For anyone curious here are the legs of the race:
Kayak~ 1.5 miles down river- with a few little rapids
Bike~ Supposed to be 11miles but got shortened to 8miles due to construction
Run~ 3mile mostly on the Centennial Trail- or maybe a hair short

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Baby buddies

      We love our baby buddies! I am so thankful to have a wonderful group of mommy friends with kids about the same age as JJ. For the last year and a half we have been meeting about once a week. It is always a great time when we get together whether to do a bible study or take our kids somewhere new.
       I am so glad that I have such lovely ladies in my life to talk about all the new situations that I never knew about until I became a mom. Being able to join them every week is one of the biggest perks to being a stay at home mom.  And look how cute are kids are together.
At the park, splashing in the river:
Picking Peaches at Green Bluff

Playtime at Mobius:

Hanging out at the Fair: 



Sunday, September 8, 2013

Our Hearts are on the Palouse

      We love Pullman, the Palouse, and our friends that live there. We take every excuse opportunity to go and visit that we possibly can. This time we went to the fair! Of course it wouldn't be a complete trip with our a stop at our favorite Chinese restaurant and the garden at Sunshine Crafts and Flowers. Oh, and the Palouse Empire Fair was fun too