Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The mobility of a walking baby makes playtime so much more interactive lately. We have seen Jayney have a much greater enthusiasm for building and scooting things lately. She loves grabbing her goodies from the toy box all on her own, as opposed to having one selected by us and placed in front of her like often happened before she was able to go to pick one for herself. It amazes me that every day with our Jayney is more fun than before. Of course we (either JJ or me, hopefully not both, ha ha!) still have our bad days but the happy smiling ones far out weigh the cranky. We have been having fun indoors waiting for the weather to warm up and these are just a couple of days recently when I managed to capture our good time on camera
Jayneys UH-OH face hahaha

Showing off her top teethers

"Transporting" toys all over the house
No. I did not just post a blink face... that is how JJ "winks" at us! So funny

Checking to see if  daddy and I saw her wink

Oh there's the tears... mad I wont let her have the camera. Must be time to go back to playing with her!

Monday, April 8, 2013


I love Easter for the reason that it is most important! However, my faith is much harder to take a picture of than Jayney hunting eggs and wearing a pretty dress. Nonetheless, please do not mistake that to Dusty and I this religious holiday is about so much more than the things we can capture in a 4x6 image. We hope you find this Spring season to be one of renewal, a vernal representation of what Christ has done for you in the Resurrection. Spring is a time of rebirth, a new reminder to count your blessings and the joy they bring you. So as you look at these pictures, try to see past the cuteness of Jayney in her bunny ears and instead recognize that the joy this little blessing brings into our life can only come from our God. 



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Busy but not "Busy Work"

Now that Jayney is becoming more and more independant everyday, we are trying to find ways to keep her busy, but not feel like we are giving her "busy work." Last week we were invited by a friend to visit Mobius Science Center for the first time and it fit this goal perfectly. JJ was able to be active and explore to her heart's content! Although she doesn't quite understand everything there yet, she still had a great time. We spent the morning experimenting with soil/water tables, going down the slide, sharing blocks in the baby area, playing musical instruments, riding a scooter, looking at snakes, and watching the bigger kids. I wish I could grow an extra set of hands in this situation so I could have taken more pictures of these activities but I guess I shouldn't feel too bad since in the long run JJ would rather have me putting the two hands I do have to use in playing with her. But I did manage to sneak a few pictures in our playtime! The teacher in me has planned many more trips back in the years to come so I am sure eventually I will be able to capture all the activities!